10 Ways to Handle Your Anger at Your Child

Anger is one of the most common emotions that anyone could feel. However, too much of it can be extremely destructive. This is why it is important for you to get it under control, especially if you are the parent.

This being said, here are 10 effective ways for you to handle your anger towards your child in a much more constructive manner. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will be able to get your emotions under control while still keeping your child in check as well.

10 Ways to Handle Your Anger at Your Child

1. Silence

The first thing that you should do when you feel your blood rising towards your child is to keep your cool. Be quiet and let your eyes do the talking. This way, you will not end up saying things that might emotionally hurt the child in the process.

2. Warn the Child

Secondly, it would help to warn the child of your impending anger. That way, he will realize that you are already on the brink and this will give him the chance to stop before you begin raising your voice.

3. Physically Leave Him Alone

If warning the child and giving him the cold shoulder won’t work, it would help to leave him alone until he stops what he’s doing. Most of the time, children act out to get their way. It would just get worse if you give him the attention he wants.

Just relax and try to get some air. He will eventually stop to observe what you are doing or to search for you.

4. Go to Another Room

However, it might be difficult to ignore the child especially if he starts destroying property. If this happens, distract him with something that he really would like to do. Go to a different room and start preparing another activity for him.

This will give you some time to clear your head while he is throwing his fit. In the end, you will not blow up at him in anger for sure.

5. Get Out of the House

If you feel that you are always getting angry at your child, perhaps the problem is not the child himself, but an underlying issue that you ought to deal with on your own. It would be best to step away from the situation and get out of the house.

Leave your child with a trusted adult (preferably a relative) for a few hours so that you can blow off some steam. If you can’t deal with your situation right away, go out and exercise. This is a great way for you to release any pent up energy and aggression.

6. Employ Reverse Psychology

You can also try a bit of reverse psychology. Instead of getting angry to stop the tantrum, continue to feed it.

For example, if he won’t stop throwing things, join him. Nine times out of 10, children will find this type of behavior weird coming from a parent. The ridiculousness of your behavior will keep your emotions in check while making him stop to think about why you are doing this.

7. Count to 10

Another age-old tactic that some parents resort to in order to handle their anger is to count. This will help you get your anger under control even before you do something that you will regret.

8. Take a Deep Breath

Don’t forget to take a deep breath as well. Scientific studies have proven that increased oxygen supply helps decrease the heart rate and in turn lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is low, chances are you will be relaxed enough not to get angry.

Doing some breathing exercises through yoga and meditation can help you get your emotions in check. It is definitely something highly recommended by experts so why don’t you give it a try? This way, you will always feel relaxed even when faced with intense emotions as a parent.

9. Sing

Whether you do it out loud to distract him or in your head to control yourself, you will be hitting two birds with one stone when you sing. It will help you relax and diffuse your anger while distracting the child with your odd behavior.

10. Scream as Loud as You Can

One way to release anger is to scream loudly. Do this in front of your child and he will stop what he’s doing for sure. This is especially effective if he hasn’t seen you do this yet. You will stun the child into silence while releasing the negative energy into the ether at the same time.

Final Words

The most important thing to remember is to never harm your child physically or emotionally no matter what happens. Be sure that everything that you do to control your anger would be directed towards yourself or some benign object.

Step away from the situation and come back only when heads are cooler. This way, you can explain why you tried to stop him earlier and what the repercussions of his behavior might be for him and those around him.

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